High standard of teaching & research work. M.D. Pathology recognized by University . P.G . Teaching & guidance. |
Membership : | life member of IAPM, IAC, ISHBT & IMA. |
Done publications & posters in various state & conference . Undergone training in revised basic course MET & CISP.HOD – Best practices problem based teaching, above average student area identified & encouraged for research projects. Slow learners identified – special coaching is given students are encouraged for participation in quiz programs. Students academic performance is reviewed by the faculty members periodically. The post graduate curriculum designation satisfy the tracing requirements of NMC
About the Department :
- The department of pathology at MIMSR Medical College, Latur affiliated MUHS, Nashik University & recognized by National Medical Council of Delhi.
- The department is well equipped with necessary infrastructure especially Museum. Collection of slides of rare and interesting lesions. Audiovisual aids and departmental Library. 24 hours internet facility.
- We function under various sections like hematology, clinical pathology, cytopathology, blood bank, histopathology, immunohistochemistry in two wings namely college & hospital services.
- We offer a graduate degree in MBBS. The UG theory classes and practical are held in college building. Lecture halls, Demonstration Rooms are having LCD projector, Overhead projector, blackboard & practical hall is fully equipped. A large and beautifully organized museum with over 300 well dissected and mounted specimens with short description of them have been printed & displayed with suitable microphotographs arranged system wise in cubicles.
- We offer a P.G. degree in M.D. Pathology with special emphasis on teaching curriculum, and 24 hours internet facility for research work. Penta-Head Microscope with camera attachment for teaching for students at time & Trinocular microscope for teaching & Multiple student centric methods (PG activity, Guest lectures, seminars) are used to make teaching easy and interesting. The department has contributed multiple research papers. In addition, the PG students and teaching faculty attend/present posters & papers in state & national CME & conferences.
- The central clinical lab have hematology, clinical pathology & cytopathology sections and works 24×7 hours. The hematology section has hematology automated cell counter three part and five parts and fully automated coagulation analyser & High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Cytology section has well equipped, Cytology FNAC room and procedures like Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology, Radiological guided FNAC , Fluid cytology, Pap smear Reporting as conventional method and Liquid Based Cytology is performed.
- Histopathology is fully equipped with automatitic tissue processor and microtome (Leica). Histopathology section provide biopsy diagnosis . The department take active part in clinicopathology conference with clinical departments.
- The Blood Bank provides the necessary blood or blood component for transfusion to patients. Blood camps are arranged regularly.
- Key Skill : all teachers have undergone training in rB MET/CISP.
Maintaining high standard of teaching & research.
Head of Department : DR.MRS. SHEELA N KULKARNI (M.D. Pathology)
Faculty :
- Dr.S.N.Kulkarni Prof. HOD M.D. Pathology
- Dr.R.V.Kulkarni Professor M.D. Pathology
- Dr.S.B.Ingle Professor M.D. Pathology
- Dr.J.B.Patil Professor M.D. Pathology
- Dr.A.S.Acharya Asso.Prof. M.D. Pathology
- Dr.K.S.Dhumure Asst.Prof. M.D. Pathology
- Dr.P.B.Chege Asst.Prof. M.D. Pathology
- Dr.S.K.Khule Asst.Prof. M.D. Pathology
- Dr.K. G.Pawar – Asst.Prof.
- Dr.P.P.Pawale – Asst.Prof.
- Dr.Suhmita H. – Asst.Prof.
Infrastructure :
Histopathology, Central Clinical Laboratory, Immunohistochemistry, HOD Room, Clerical Room, Professor Rooms, Asso.Prof. Rooms, Asst.Prof. Rooms. Research Room, Seminar Room with Library, Tutor Room, Museum, Practical Hall, Preparation Room, 2 Demonstration Rooms, Histopathology grossing Room, Washing Room, Specimens Room.
Achievements :
Best paper awards – By Dr.Mrs. S.N.Kulkarni
7th Marathwada Regional conference. Semen analysis in fertile in couples-
500 cases. Nov-2009
Awards :- By Dr.S.B.Ingle
1) Awarded as “Cibtech Young Medical Research Scientist-2012” By Cibtech Info Centre, Jaipur India.
2) Awarded by World’s foremost international biography centre, Cambridge, England with a title of “2000 outstanding intellectuals of 21st century in 2013”
3) Awarded by World’s foremost international biography centre, Cambridge,England with a title of ‘’Top 100 educators of 2013’’
4) Inclusion of Biography in Marquis Who’s Who in the world 2013, (Providence NJ USA)
5) “Chanakya” Award by Latur district Professor Associate – Feb-2016
6) IMA appreciation Award in March-2016
7) “ICON of Latur” Indian Medical Association – Jun-2016
8) Excellent Reviewer Award by Indian Journal of Pathology & Oncology Dec-2016
Honors :- By Dr.S.B.Ingle
He received more than 60 Honors from International Medical Academic Community.
He Honored as an Editor in Chief on 3 Indexed Medical Journals.
- Oncoytology USA.
- International Journals of Current Research and Reviews.
- IMA bulletin.
He Honored with Editorial Board Membership of 18 Pub Med Indexed International Medical Journals.
He Honored as a Reviewer on More than 50 Pub Med Indexed International Medical Journals.
His biography is published on websites of reputed Pub Med Journals i.e. World Journal of Clinical Oncology America, World Journal of Clinical Cases America, Oncocytology America, International Journals of current Research and reviews.
Honored with membership life time from Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists from India.
E-Books : Chapter – By – Dr.S.B.Ingle –
- World clinical gastroenterology 2014 ISBN978-0-9914430-0-0 Eosinophilic gastroenteritis:- An unusal type of gastroenteritis.
- World clinical case report : 2014 ISBN978-0-9914430-1-7. Insitue papillary carcinoma of beast.
Activities : arrangements of CME and guest lecutres
Services : Hematology, clinical pathology, cytopathology, blood bank, histopathology, immunohistochemistry.
Contact Us : 02382-227424 Ext No.114
mail id – pathology@mimsr.edu.in
Membership of : IAPM, IAC,ISHBT & IMA.