Our Inspirations:

Rev. Prof. Dr. Vishwanath D. Karad – an eminent educationist having a teaching experience of more than 40 years in College of Engineering as an Undergraduate and Postgraduate Professor, is a man of great vision who is totally committed to the development of technical education and the cause of raising the qualities of life for the Indian masses. He was awarded the Doctorate in Philosophy and Education by the International University of Washington.
He is the founder of various initiatives such as World Paece Dome, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, WORLD PEACE CENTER of MAEER’s MIT, Pune, UNESCO CHAIR for Human Rights, Democracy and Peace, MIT World Peace University Shree Kshetra Alandi Parisar Vikas Samiti, Saint Shree Dnyaneshwara and Saint Shree Tukaram Endowment Lecture Series Trust.
Furthermore, Rev. Prof. Dr. V D Karad has been honored by the various awards such as National award for the year 1992 for the most outstanding work in Engineering and Technical Education for his commendable rural development work in the field of Environmental and Pollution Control at Shree Kshetra Alandi-Dehu, “Madhav – Mandakini Award” for his commendable work in the field of Rural Development – Environmental and Pollution Control at Shree Kshetra Alandi – Dehu in Pune district for changing the outlook of these holy places. He has been a member of various organizations of national international repute.
The human race is witnessing and experiencing scientific and technological developments like Artificial Intelligence, Internet, Instant Communication, Space travel, Medical breakthroughs on one hand and total chaos, confusion, clashes, conflicts, terrorism, bloodshed and massacre in the name of caste, creed, religion, land and resources on the other hand.
There is a degradation and disregard of ethical, social, moral, cultural and ecological values. A culture of revolt and action rather than patience and tolerance seems to be emerging in today’s youth. Amidst this challenging environment, I am happy that an island of hope and stability is emerging with a mission to promote the ethos of value-based education, and at the same time, creating awareness amongst the young students about the importance of establishing a Culture of Peace for a holistic global society.
In an era when we are struggling to keep up with our ancient value education system; character building among the young global citizens of MAEER’s MIT, now MIT World Peace University, is encouraged, which nurtures the spirit of mutual co-operation and respect and blends it with professional careers of its learners. Today, it gives me a deep sense of satisfaction and pride to see the glorious achievements of MIT-World Peace University and my dream of VALUE BASED UNIVERSAL EDUCATION SYSTEM coming into reality.
For thousands of students, MIT-World Peace University is a gateway to their professional life. For nearly four decades, we have led the development of education in emerging technologies and modern professional practices to meet the needs of the challenging and volatile job market. In this demanding environment, quality is paramount. MIT-WPU endeavours to provide the finest environment for teaching, learning, research, innovation and character building.
As a reputed academic institution, MIT-WPU especially values its intellectual and academic relationships with industrial communities that provide the foundation from which it will continue to look to the widest horizons, enriching both itself and the society of which it is an inseparable part.
I hope and feel confident that the students of MIT-WPU family with their wide exposure to academic and professional fields will leave a mark nationally or globally wherever they go, by exhibiting their sound professional knowledge, unimpeachable character, sense of discipline and commitment. I wish my MIT-WPU family and all the freshman of the incoming batch grand success and the Best of Luck.
Rev. Prof. Dr. Vishwanath D. Karad
Founder & President
MIT World Peace University
Website: http://www.vishwanathkarad.com/
Vision: Inspiring enabling and enhancing world class teaching, learning, research and clinical care through use of our expertise, collections, facilities and services.
Mission: Library mission is to provide a haven for study and scholarly reflection alongwith the resources, information and expertise to deliver innovative support foradvancing discovery, lifelong learning and improving human health.
MIMSR Central Library system supports the teaching learning program of the institute. The library has an excellent collection of text books, reference books, general books,journals,magazines, encyclopedia, handbooks, reports, data sheets, bound volumes, CD-ROMs, Floppies and other reading material. MIMSR Central Library follows open access system that allows users a direct access to the library collection.
Library has a conductive atmosphere for reading, well ventilated & adequately lighted infrastructure. It consist of a reading hall, journal section, reference section, circulation section, stack section, acquisition, technical section, staff room and an office for the librarian.
Library has been automated with KOHA software (Library Management Software) & also Library has enabled DSpace repository software for to preserve and access to alltypes of digital contents. Library resources could be searched through OPAC & WebOPAC. Library use Dewey Decimal Classification system for classification and arrangement of the documents. Library portal includes access to full text online journals, e-books, dissertations, institutional repository & other web based portals & links. CCTV system set up has been done in all sections of library.
Library Advisory Committee:
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Department |
1. | Dr. N. P. Jamadar | Chairperson | Dean |
2. | Dr. B. S. Nagoba | Member | Asst. Dean |
3. | Dr. C. S. Patil | Member | Prof. of OBGY |
4. | Dr. A. K. Rao | Member | Prof. of Orthopedics |
5. | Dr. N. V. Kulkarni | Member | Prof. of Surgery |
6. | Dr. S. V. Bangad | Member | Prof. of ENT |
7. | Dr. M. D. Bhise | Member | Prof. of PSM |
8. | Mr. S. D. Chapekanwade | Secretary | Sr. Librarian |
Library Staff:
Sr. No. | Name | Qualification | Designation |
1. | Mr. S. D. Chapekanwade | M. A., M. Lib. & I. Sc., M. Phil. | Sr. Librarian |
2. | Mr. V. B. Jogdand | B. A., M. Lib. & I. Sc. | Documentalist |
3. | Mr. V. H. Waghmare | M. A., M. Lib. & I. Sc. | Cataloguer |
4. | Mr. S. S. Mitkari | B. A., M. Lib. & I. Sc. | Asst. Librarian |
5. | Mr. K.R. Karad | B. Com., B. Lib. & I. Sc. | Library Assistant |
6. | Mr. H.A. Ghule | M. A., M. Lib. & I. Sc. | Library Assistant |
7. | Ms. R.R. Basude | M.A., M. Lib.& I. Sc., B.Ed. | Library Assistant |
8. | Mrs. S. S. Gitte | B. Sc. M. Lib. & I. Sc. | Library Assistant |
9. | Mr. V. D Bhise | B. Sc. B. Lib. & I. Sc. | Library Assistant |
10. | Mr. S.P. Gitte | H.S.C., L.T.C | Daftaries |
11. | Mr. N.M. Somwanshi | 9th | Library Attendant |
12. | Mr. V. S. Phad | H.S.C. | Library Attendant |
Digital Library:
Sr. No. | Name | Qualification | Designation |
1. | Mr. B. D. Bikkad | M. Sc. Computer Science | System Analyst |
2. | Mr. D. P. Jain | MCM, ADCSSA | Lab Assistant |
3. | Mr. N. H. Jamadar | B. Sc. Computer Science | Computer Operator |
4. | Mr. D. B. Rathod | H.S.C. | Peon |
Collections of Library: The collection of library resources as follows
Description of Item | Total Numbers |
Books | 15803 |
Textbooks | 10800 |
Reference Books | 5003 |
Journals | 137 |
National | 96 |
International | 41 |
Bound Volumes | 4155 |
PG-Dissertations | 159 |
CD/DVDs | 669 |
E-Books | 1121 |
E-Journals | 990 |
E-Databases | 5 |
Audio/Video Cassettes | 64 |
Slides | 67 |
Floppies | 06 |
Library Rules:
- MIMSR Medical College Library is for the use of:
- The staff of the college and the Hospital and other hospitals which are connected to MIMSR Medical College by virtue of agreement for teaching purposes of the students.
The Term “Staff” used above is intended to include only professor, Associate Prof., Reader, Asst. Prof., Lecturer, Demonstrator Tutor, Curator, Medical Superintendent, Hon. Medical Superintendent, Clinical Pathologist, Biochemist, Pharmacist, Radiologist etc. of MIMSR Medical College and Hospital, Latur.
- Students shall use this library. They will only be allowed to enter the Library or avail of its facilities on production of their own valid reader’s card. Should the card be lost a duplicate card will be issued only on an application made to the Librarian and payment of Rs.100/- made through accounts department.
Library Administration:
- The Librarian will be the in charge of the Library in all aspects and will be responsible and accountable to the Principal for the management of the Library.
Circulation of Documents & Borrowing Rules:
- Borrowers & their book issuing period are as following…
Sr. No. | Borrower | No of Books Issued | Loan Period |
1. | Teaching Staff | 5 – 10 | 15 days |
2. | Fellowship &Ph D Students | 5 | 7 days |
3. | Technicians | 2 | 7 days |
4. | Postgraduate Students | 2 | 7 days |
5. | Interns | 2 | 7 days |
6. | Undergraduate Students | 2 | 7 days |
7. | DMLT Students | 2 | 7 days |
- Members will present themselves personally with their Borrowers Card for borrowing book from the library.
- Borrower is not allowed to borrow books on another Borrower’s card.
- Reference materials like, rare books, reports, dictionaries, directories, yearbooks, encyclopedias, gazette’s, maps, dissertations, current periodicals, bound volumes of periodicals, single copybooks will not be issued to the borrowers. They can be referred to in the library.
- No sub-leading of books borrowed from the library is permitted.
- If the books are not returned before the due date the student has to pay a fine of Rs.1 Per day per book.
- In case any book is lost by the user, the user will replace it with the latest edition or pay double cost of the book.
- If a volume of a set/series is mutilated or lost and a new volume is not separately available the member concerned will be liable to replace the whole set/series or pay the double cost of the whole set.
- The books may be renewed if the same are not in demand or are not reserved by other readers. The renewal will be done only if the book is physically presented.
- Borrowers are liable to replace the damaged document if there is tearing of pages, damage to the binding, underlining, or any other considered liable by the library staff.
- The loss of Library Card has to be reported in writing to the librarian immediately. The duplicate card will be issued after the payment of Rs.100/-.
General Rules:
- Borrowers Card is compulsory for entering the Library.
- Every member entering the library will sign his/her own name along with the purpose of visit in the register kept at the entry.
- Deposit your personal belongings at the property counter.
- Readers will keep silence in the library premises.
- Making noise, spitting, smoking or doing anything else which may disturb other readers or which may be against the discipline of the library is strictly prohibited.
- Mobile Phone must be kept under silent mode inside the library.
- Reservation of Seats in the reading area is not allowed.
- Readers are advised not to reshelf the books and journals after use.
- Kindly avoid leaving Private Books/ belongings inside the library.
- Keep your library neat & clean.
- The readers are liable for punishment & fine if they misbehave or damage the books or any other property of the library.
- If any reader fails to follow the library rules, strict disciplinary action will be taken.
- Any changes in the library rules will be notified.
Library Working Hours:
Days | Times |
Monday to Friday | 8.30 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. |
Saturday | 8.30 A.M. to 2.00 P.M. |
Reading Rooms | 24 x 7 Open |
Library remain closed all Sundays & National Holidays |
- Stack rooms for (UG) Textbooks & (PG & Research) Reference collections.
- Periodical section – current & back volumes (National & International).
- Digital Library – 40 nodes with leased line 50 mbps.
- Open Access System
- Separate Reading Rooms for UG, PG & Staff.
- Complete Air Conditioned &adequately lighted infrastructure.
- Fresh & purified drinking water facility.
- Fully automated library operations & services.
- Book Bank facility to SC/ST category students from Social Welfare Department & Economically backward student from MUHS-Book Bank Scheme.
- 24 departmental Libraries.
- Photocopying facility to get photocopies of articles from journals and books.
- Web OPAC – Online Public Access Catalogue for browsing library collections & reserving required documents.
- Audio-Video section to access CD & DVDs.
- CCTV system, Firewall, Seqrite Endpoint Security-Quick Heal Technology& Fire Extinguishers are used to secure the all types of documents & instruments of the library.
- Circulation Services
- Reference Services
- Remote Access of Online Databases
- Current Awareness Services
- Selective Dissemination of Information
- Institutional Repository
- Bibliographic Compilation
- Inter-Library Loan
- Information Display & Notification
- User Orientation
- Newspaper Clippings
- Computer Services, Scanning & Printing
- Library Web Portal: https://mimsr.tiss.co.in
- Library Web OPAC: https://mimsr-opac.tiss.co.in/
- Institutional Digital Repository:https://mimsr-ir.tiss.co.in/jspui/
- Books:
Sr. No. | Subject | Titles | Volumes |
1 | Anatomy | 330 | 1261 |
2 | Physiology | 262 | 754 |
3 | Biochemistry | 247 | 674 |
4 | Pathology | 380 | 863 |
5 | Microbiology | 253 | 533 |
6 | Pharmacology | 336 | 691 |
7 | F.M.T. | 290 | 426 |
8 | P.S.M. | 984 | 1493 |
9 | Medicine & Allied | 1484 | 2476 |
10 | Surgery | 389 | 733 |
11 | Orthopedics | 338 | 659 |
12 | Ophthalmology | 351 | 548 |
13 | E.N.T. | 255 | 419 |
14 | Dentistry | 53 | 108 |
15 | Anesthesiology | 189 | 254 |
16 | Radiology | 234 | 315 |
17 | OBGY | 439 | 824 |
18 | Pediatrics | 409 | 784 |
19 | Miscellaneous | 674 | 1988 |
TOTAL | 7897 | 15803 |
- Print Journals:
Sr. No. | Subject | National | International | Total |
01 | Anatomy | 01 | — | 01 |
02 | Physiology | 01 | — | 01 |
03 | Biochemistry | 03 | — | 03 |
04 | Pathology | 03 | 04 | 07 |
05 | Microbiology | 02 | — | 02 |
06 | Pharmacology | 01 | — | 01 |
07 | F.M.T. | 01 | — | 01 |
08 | P.S.M. | 12 | 01 | 13 |
09 | Medicine & Allied | 39 | 03 | 42 |
10 | Dermatology | 03 | 03 | 06 |
11 | Surgery | 07 | 04 | 11 |
12 | Orthopedics | 02 | 05 | 07 |
13 | Ophthalmology | 01 | 03 | 04 |
14 | E.N.T. | 02 | 04 | 06 |
15 | Anesthesiology | 05 | 03 | 08 |
16 | Radiology | — | 03 | 03 |
17 | OBGY | 04 | 04 | 08 |
18 | Pediatrics | 06 | 02 | 08 |
19 | Medical Education & Research | — | 02 | 02 |
20 | Other | 03 | — | 03 |
Total | 96 | 41 | 137 |
- Non Book Materials:
Sr. No. | Subject | Audio Cassettes | Video Cassettes | Floppies | Booklets | Color Plates | Slides | CDs | DVDs | Total |
1 | Anatomy | — | — | — | — | — | — | 56 | 8 | 64 |
2 | Physiology | — | — | — | — | — | — | 4 | — | 4 |
3 | Biochemistry | — | — | — | — | — | — | 7 | — | 7 |
4 | Pathology | — | — | — | 2 | 1 | 12 | 35 | 2 | 52 |
5 | Microbiology | — | — | — | — | — | 4 | 7 | — | 11 |
6 | Pharmacology | — | 1 | 1 | — | — | 1 | 36 | 6 | 45 |
7 | F.M.T. | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | 0 |
8 | P.S.M. | 7 | 14 | — | — | — | 8 | 42 | 2 | 73 |
9 | Medicine & Allied | 13 | 2 | 2 | — | — | 14 | 60 | 22 | 113 |
10 | Dermatology | 1 | — | — | — | — | 12 | 10 | 5 | 28 |
11 | Surgery | 6 | 4 | — | — | — | — | 6 | 36 | 52 |
12 | Orthopedics | 1 | — | — | — | — | — | 15 | 33 | 49 |
13 | Ophthalmology | — | — | — | — | — | 4 | 29 | 25 | 58 |
14 | E.N.T. | 1 | — | — | — | — | — | 20 | 22 | 43 |
15 | Anesthesiology | — | — | — | — | — | — | 6 | 4 | 10 |
16 | Radiology | — | — | — | — | — | — | 5 | 4 | 9 |
17 | OBGY | 8 | — | — | — | — | — | 49 | 11 | 68 |
18 | Pediatrics | 2 | 2 | — | — | — | 8 | 16 | 2 | 30 |
19 | Nursing & Physiotherapy | 1 | 1 | 3 | — | — | 1 | 58 | — | 64 |
20 | Other | — | — | — | — | — | — | 26 | — | 26 |
Total | 40 | 24 | 6 | 2 | 1 | 64 | 487 | 182 | 806 |
- Dissertations:
Sr. No. | Subject | No. of Dissertations |
1. | Physiology | 1 |
2. | Microbiology | 8 |
3. | Pathology | 21 |
4. | Pharmacology | 1 |
5. | Community Medicine | 9 |
6. | Medicine | 18 |
7. | Skin & VD | 15 |
8. | Anesthesia | 7 |
9. | General Surgery | 14 |
10. | Orthopedics | 9 |
11. | Ophthalmology | 12 |
12. | ENT | 7 |
13. | OBGY | 22 |
14. | Pediatrics | 15 |
Total | 159 |
- Bound Volumes:
Sr. No. | Subject | National | International | Total |
1 | Anatomy | 07 | 15 | 22 |
2 | Physiology | 35 | 36 | 71 |
3 | Biochemistry | 121 | 00 | 121 |
4 | Microbiology | 33 | 192 | 225 |
5 | Pathology | 19 | 182 | 201 |
6 | Pharmacology | 75 | 39 | 114 |
7 | FMT | 06 | 06 | 12 |
8 | PSM | 323 | 78 | 401 |
9 | Medicine | 423 | 295 | 718 |
10 | Skin | 14 | 95 | 109 |
11 | Radiology | 21 | 165 | 186 |
12 | Anesthesiology | 27 | 176 | 203 |
13 | Surgery | 27 | 339 | 366 |
14 | Orthopedics | 26 | 290 | 316 |
15 | Ophthalmology | 38 | 109 | 147 |
16 | ENT | 21 | 163 | 184 |
17 | Dentistry | 04 | 04 | 08 |
18 | OBGY | 42 | 206 | 248 |
19 | Pediatrics | 159 | 237 | 396 |
20 | Other | 88 | 19 | 107 |
Total | 1509 | 2646 | 4155 |
- UpToDate
- ClinicalKey Flex
- ClinicalKey Student
- Complete Anatomy
- E-Globalsearch
Name: S. D. Chapekanwade
Education: M.A., M. L. I. Sc., M.Phil.
Mobile No: 9405736103
Experience: 18 Years